Monday, August 3, 2009

Understanding fibromyalgia - Source: Journal of Pain, Aug 2009

Understanding fibromyalgia: Lessons from the broader pain research community – Source: Journal of Pain, Aug 2009

by David A Williams, Daniel J Clauw
July 31, 2009

Fibromyalgia (FM) is a chronic pain condition marked by centrally mediated augmentation of pain and sensory processes. Skepticism has marked the history of this condition, but more recent study has identified neurobiological underpinnings supporting many of the symptoms associated with this condition. Early research in FM had unprecedented latitude within the rheumatology community to borrow heavily from theory and methods being applied in chronic pain research more generally. These insights facilitated rapid advances in FM research, not the least of which was the abandonment of a peripheral focus in favor of studying central [nervous system] mechanisms associated with central augmentation.

Currently, rapid-paced discovery is taking place in FM genetics, patient assessment, new therapeutic targets, and novel methods of treatment delivery.

Such insights are not likely to be limited in application just to FM and could have relevance to the broader field of pain research as well.

Perspective: This manuscript reviews:
• The history of FM and its diagnosis,
• Evidence supporting central augmentation of pain in FM,
• Potential mechanisms of central augmentation,
• Current approaches to integrated care of FM,
• And areas of active collaboration between FM research and other chronic pain conditions.

Source: Journal of Pain, Aug 2009;10(8):777-91. PMID: 19638325, by Williams DA, Clauw DJ.Chronic Pain and Fatigue Research Center, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA. [E-mail:]

The Past Two Weeks

The past two weeks have been very rough for me. I have been feeling more in pain and more hopeless. The doctor has written me a note to be out of work until August 10 hoping that I will have time to start feeling better. However, I haven't been sleeping much at all. Over this past weekend, I only got a total of 12 hours sleep; 4 hours on Friday and 8 hours on Saturday. Last night I didn't go to bed and just napped today.

Because of all my recent problems, I have made the decision to stop the National Institutes of Health study for the drug Neurotropin. Although I don't feel that the study drug is causing the problems, my doctor has recommended that I go off of it and start back on some supplements. I might even start going back to acupuncture since I absolutely love it and it seems to help.

My husband is still so supportive of me. I could not do this alone. He calls my work and takes my doctors notes in for me. This really relieves some of the stress for me. I just want to thank him for being my shoulder to lean on. Without him I would be much worse.