Monday, August 10, 2009

This Past Week

Last week was another rocky one. I went to a new rheumatologist who suggested that I might also have rhemuatoid arthritis. However, she couldn't make a determination until she can examine me further. She barely touched me and I wanted to cry (and did). To help with the fibromyalgia pain, she put me on Lyrica in addition to my other meds. Also, she ordered a sleep study.

On Saturday night I completed the sleep study. The clinic said that I have an apnic episode EVERY MINUTE. Can you believe that?!? That means that I have to jar myself awake each minute to tell my body to breath again. The longest period of time that I wasn't breathing during the study was 42 seconds while the average as 19 seconds. My oxygen levels got down to 86% and my AH1 score was 66. Although it wasn't the funnest thing being hooked up to so many wires, I now now that I have SEVERE sleep apnea. Hopefully I will get my c-pap machine sometime between now and August 29th. I have an appointment for the 29th, but am hoping someone cancels before then.